After Treatment
Most of our patients report very little to no discomfort following their visit to our office. Mild tenderness or soreness for a 2-3 days would be considered normal.
It is uncommon, but root canal treatment can cause significant pain, commonly referred to as "flare-ups". They mostly occur on badly infected teeth or teeth with a history of pain prior to root canal treatment. If you have a flare up you may experience moderate to severe pain, swelling, bruising, throbbing, and general discomfort. Typically, your pain will begin after treatment but may occur 48-72 hours after treatment. Generally, patients with flare ups notice an increase in their pain over time rather than a decrease.
It is best to avoid biting or chewing on the tooth that had treatment for several reasons. Immediately after treatment your lips, tongue and gums will be anesthetized and you may unknowingly bite or hurt yourself. Also, if a temporary filling was placed, it can take a few hours to set and harden.​
We also recommend that you avoid biting or chewing on a treated tooth until a permanent filling or crown is placed to prevent cracking or fracturing the remaining tooth structure. We know that if you get back to your general dentist and have a crown repaired or replaced within a few weeks of root canal treatment, the tooth will likely last longer.​
Following treatment, brush and floss you​r tooth normally or as instructed and take all your medications as directed. A specific pain control regiment will be provided to you based on your individual needs. Typically, over the counter NSAID's like Advil (ibuprofen) along with Tylenol (acetaminophen) will sufficiently treat your discomfort.
If you have any concerns, Dr. Accardo and her team are available to support you through your healing phase!